Course: 7 Main Energy Centers

The human body contains seven major energy centers known that are located along the center of the body. Each center acts as a disk or generator of energy. This course teaches the foundation of the major energy centers, how to identify blockages, and what to do to align for a more balanced and harmonious spirit-mind-emotion-body.
Course Instructor
Energy Center 1
The Root Center
Coaching Session 1
Energy Center 2
The Sacral Center
Coaching Session 2
Energy Center 3
The Solar Plexus Center
Coaching Session 3
Energy Center 4
The Heart Center
Coaching Session 4
Energy Center 5
The Throat Center
Coaching Session 5
Energy Center 6
The Third Eye Center
Coaching Session 6
Energy Center 7
The Crown Center
Coaching Session 7
Understanding your Energy Centers
Balancing your Energy Centers
The Importance of Knowing your Energy Centers
The Behavioural Expression of Disbalanced Energy
Archetypes of the Main Energetic Blockages
Why all of this is Important
Why all of this is Important