Course: Female Energy
It is important for women to remember that we are the life-givers. All women carry this creative energy – we hold the memory of women’s wisdom in our body. Being attentive to your cycle allows you to free yourself. Understand your shifts in mood, wants and needs, and you are more in control of your life.
This course introduces you to the foundation of our Female Energy.
“An empowered woman’s journey involves learning to love your cycle and the memory of it.“

Course Instructor
Important Aspects of the Female Cycles
The Female Cycles
Day 1-5: Menstrual Phase
Day 6-14: Follicular Phase
Day 15-17: Ovulatory Phase
Day 18-28: Luteal Phase
Poster: Know Your Cycle
Exercise: Menstrual Cycle Personal History
Exercise: Discover Your Menstrual Cycle or Its Memory – Journal Entries
Exercise: Explore Your Nutritional Habits
Exercise: Creating a Moon Canvass
Lunar Cycle
The Lunar Cycle
Female Archetypes
The 4 Female Archetype Energies
Your Journey